1.Offering from Devotees for the 1st of Every Malayalam month.
On every first of Malayalam Month , considered to be an auspicious day for all of us .There are special poojas conducted in the temple on that day. In the evening time colour full Dheeparadhana with flower decorations and lighting of oil amps around the temple are performed. For this special day an expert is invited to be available in the temple for blowing the Conch ( shanku) and for singing the devotional songs in front of Bhagavathy in prasise of Bhagavathy by playing Edakka. After the last pooja in the temple, Prasadam is distributed to all those who are available in the temple for worshipping. So far one of the devotees was sponsoring for this activities on the 1 st of every Malayalam month. The cost of this is approximately less than Rs 1000.00 for the first of each Malayalam month. If any devotee is willing to sponsor for this events on 1st of any or every Malayalam month the same is open to all.
The devotees who are willing to sponsor for the above may contact the temple directly or write to the temple through email. Mob. +91 94 46 51 73 66 and +91 98 46 89 55 98 Email : info@puliyampilly.com
2. Availability of pure oil and ghee in the temple for devotees visiting temple.
For the last few months facilities have been provided in the temple premises by the Puliyampilly Vanitha Samajam for the availability of pure Oil and Ghee in small quantities for the devotees to buy and offer to Bhagavathy to pour in the respective lamp lit in front of Bhagavathy. Any devotees visiting the temple can buy these from the offer counter as they wish. Arrangements are available for the devotees who are not able to visit temple often and located within India and out side India to make the Ghee and Oil offer to Bhagavathy by ordering for this service by booking for the same in temple office on daily basis , monthly basis , yearly basis etc.
The devotees who are willing to offer Ghee or oil in smaller quantities as explained above may contact the temple directly or write to the temple through email. Mob. +91 94 46 51 73 66 and +91 98 46 89 55 98 Email : info@puliyampilly.com
3. Offering of Ghee or Oil in Large quantity for Bhagavathy.
All devotees who are locally available and remotely available are in the habit of offering large tins of pure oil or pure ghee for the temple use in bulk ( tins ) for Ultsava period. In consideration of the increased devotional activities unlike previous days, arrangements have been made to facilitate the offering of tins of ghee or oil by devotees located all around the world for the daily conception in the temple.
Whoever is wanting to offer tins of Ghee or Oil may contact temple office to facilitate such arrangement through the phone or email . Mob. +91 94 46 51 73 66 and +91 98 46 89 55 98 Email : info@puliyampilly.com
4.Udayada for Bhagavathy.
In the past Bhagavathy used to be prepared in the morning during the Ultsava days using new beautiful Udayada stitched specially for Bhgavathy. For the last few months one of the devotee has made an offer for providing Udayada for Bhagavathy for a period of 3 months. This practice has surely increased Bhagavathyy’s vigour in her appearance. All devotees who are desirous of providing Udayada for Bhagavathy on daily, monthely or yearly basis may contact temple for facilitating such arrangements for Bhagavthy .
5. Puliyampilly Bhandaram at home for devotee (Portabe treasury for home )
During the last year as an experiment we had provided small Puliyampilly Bhandarams to some of the devotees living near by and some of the devotees living in the remote cities to facilitate all devotees to make their offer in cash into Bhandharam as they desire to offer at any time of the day or night. This proved to be very effective and our aggregate collection from the Bhandarams from each family was very attractive and encouraging after a period of one year.. We now have number of such Bhandarams in our temple for the collection by devotees. All devotees who are willing to collect the Bhandarams from our temple may do so. Those who are living out side India can also arrange to get such small Bhandaerams for depositing the offers for Puliyampilly Bhagavathy.
For details please contact: Mob. +91 94 46 51 73 66 and +91 98 46 89 55 98 Email : info@puliyampilly.com
6. Conjee feed ( Gruel Gift ) and anna dhanam (food gift).
Always during the last day of Ultsava period in our temple Anna Dhana used to be performed for all devotees visiting the temple on that day. This is the most important gift Bhagavathy likes for the devotees to perform During Ashta Mangala Prashnam the importance of conducting Anna Dhanam more often was emphasized. In order to meet this requirement one of the devotees have recently offered to sponsor for the expenses for Conjee oote (Gruel Gift ) for a period 3 moths with immediate effect. However this could not conducted due to various logistic reasons and due to lack of manpower to manage the event. However it was later decided to conduct the similar event at least once in a month and the first one was conducted during the last Ayillam pooja. It is planned to conduct similar events in the future also at least once in a month. In order to conduct this, some of the devotee has sponsored to buy the required plates for the temple. Some of the devotee has sponsored for the total expenses including the panadal, table , chairs etc. One of the devotee is already ordering a portable pandal that is needed for the temple so often..We will be having similar Anna Dhana events in the future to please Bhagavathi. This will continue to be conducted every month on Ayillam pooja day or any other auspicious day once in a month.
All devotees who are willing to sponsor such events on regular basis or occasional basis please feel free to contact the temple office for making such offers. Mob. +91 94 46 51 73 66 and +91 98 46 89 55 98 Email : info@puliyampilly.com
7. Nithya Nithaanam ( Daily expenses on monthly basis):
All devotees should know that in Puliyampilly Temple is open for the public from 0530 AM to 0930 AM and 0530 PM to 0730 PM for them to visit the temple and to worship and to make the offers . In order to maintain the temple affairs, to conduct the required poojas two times on a day, to maintain the temple premises, to pay for the employees providing various services to the temple, to administer and take care of the logistic requirements Temple shall need a minimum of at least Rs 50,000.00 in a month. As such the financial income for the temple from any sources is negligible. As a practice the fund available in the temple in their saving bank is seldom withdrawn for meeting the monthly expenses. In order to meet this monthly expenses some of the devotees have volunteered themselves to make their donation from Rs300 per devotee to Rs11,500 per devotee . Still the aggregate donations so far being received per month to meet the monthly expenses is only Rs 34,000.00. In order to meet this deficiency of fund required for every month (approximate Rs 17000.00 ) some more devotees will need to be donating to the temple. If any of the devotees are willing to contribute for meeting the above monthly expenses please feel free to contact temple office over the phone or on email details given below to make such arrangements. Mob. +91 94 46 51 73 66 and +91 98 46 89 55 98 Email : info@puliyampilly.com
8. Manjal Para
on daily basis and other paras on monthly bsis. Devotees visiting temple and living remotely can offer Manjal para to Bhagavathy whenever you wish. Other paras also can be arranged to be performed on 1st of every Malayalam month.
For details please contact temple office. Mob. +91 94 46 51 73 66 and +91 98 46 89 55 98 Email : info@puliyampilly.com
9. Pattum Thaliyum
Devotees visiting temple and living remotely can offer Pattum Thaliyum to Bhagavathy whenever you wish.
For details please contact temple office. Mob. +91 94 46 51 73 66 and +91 98 46 89 55 98 Email : info@puliyampilly.com
10. Cultivation, Platation, Flower Garden , Khadali vazha krishi.
The above activities are very much encouraged on the temple land as Bhagavathy is very fond of such activities in temple land . Devotees willing to participate in the above activities in the temple land may contact temple office numbers given below for the details. Mob. +91 94 46 51 73 66 and +91 98 46 89 55 98 Email : info@puliyampilly.com
Your offerings can be remitted to the following account details:
Puliyampilly Kshethra Kshema Trust
Bank of India, Nayarambalam ,
Ernakulam Dist.
Saving Bank Account No : 85 82 10 11 000 9078
IFSC Code BKID0008582