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Annual General Body(For the year 2017-18) Meeting Notice


Annual General Body Meeting of Puliyampilly Keshetra Keshema Trust for the year 2017-18 will be held on Sunday,28 October 2018 at 10.00 am at PKKT Office, Nedungad to transact the business as per the Agenda given below.

The Agenda is as Follows:

1. Prayer.
2. Welcome speech.
3. Introductory address by the President.
4. 2016-2017 annual GBM minutes report presentation and presentation of the report for the year 2017-2018 of the management committee by the secretary & approval of the same.
5. Presentation of the audited accounts of the year 2017-2018 by the Treasurer & approval of the same.
6. 2017-2018 audit report presentation.
7.2018-2018 budget presentation.
8. Discussion on points from members.
9. Analysis of renovation work
10. Appointment of the new executive members for the year 2018-2019.
11. Appointment of the auditors for the year 2018-2019.
12. Any other matter/ point raised in accordance with the bye-laws with the permission of the chair.
13. Vote of thanks.

All eligible members are requested to make it convenient to attend. Checking of identity, eligibility, registration and ascertaining quorum for the meeting will start at 09.45 Hrs on the same day. There will be  lunch (for members only)on the day of the meeting.

May Puliyampilly Bhagavathy shower Her blessings on you and your family.

Thank you once again,
Best wishes
Puliyampilly Keshetra Keshema Trust
PKKT MOB: 9446517366